
Elevate Skills with a Business Analytics Degree from 俄亥俄州

说到生意, 关键的细节隐藏在数据中, 而那些具备分析海量数据集并从中发现重要真相所需的技能和洞察力的人拥有无限的职业机会. 商业分析是一个快速发展的领域,没有比参加更好的方法了 newbb电子平台.

商业分析将统计技术和工具的掌握与对企业主数据实际newbb电子的理解融合在一起, 营销人员和产品制造商. 作为一个商业分析专业的学生, you’ll prepare for a future that is equal parts intellectually stimulating, professionally exciting and financially lucrative. You can help businesses thrive like never before with a business analytics degree. 继续阅读,你会发现:

选择你想要的 学习

我们的商业分析工商管理学士(BBA)课程是独一无二的,因为你必须将这个专业与另一个BBA专业结合起来. Read more about the Business Analytics co-major requirements in the 学术目录. Don’t think you’ll have to delay your graduation, though; with our advisors and student success specialists, 你将拥有所需的资源和时间管理帮助,在四年内按时毕业.

While there are 9 BBA majors from which you can choose as a co-major, 商业分析专业的学生通常选择:

  • 管理资讯系统

    管理信息系统(MIS)是我们商业分析专业学生最常见的专业之一。. 就像他们的分析同行一样, MIS students benefit from extremely high internship and job placement rates, 此外,他们还获得了一种必需品, 非常有价值的硬技能集合,他们可以newbb电子在各种专业和职位.

  • 商业经济学

    Other business analytics majors pursue a dual degree in business economics. 这是另一个很好的选择,因为你将使用类似的分析技术来更好地理解和掌握经济系统. 它涵盖了微观经济学等主题, labor economics and a variety of other important courses in this field.

  • 国际业务

    Another strong option is international business, which empowers graduates to succeed in any marketplace. You’ll study topics like international supply chain management, international market analysis and entry and more. Combined with your focus on business analytics, you’ll be well-positioned to provide invaluable services to firms around the world.


  • 雅典,哦,

    我们的 business analytics program is exclusively 可用 at our 位于俄亥俄州阿森斯的住宿校园. 这在很多方面都是一个巨大的好处. Not only is our residential campus a welcoming place to live, but it’s also fully equipped with facilities, 体育场馆, and amenities ranging from on-campus eateries to accessible libraries and more.


  • 地区校园

    You can take several classes at one of our regional campuses, 包括一些商业分析课程. 如果在你转学到雅典之前,这些地方离你的家更近的话,那将是newbb电子平台学习的好地方.







职业生涯 商业分析学

So, what can you do with a business analytics degree? 对于初学者来说, when you earn a degree in business analytics, you don’t only have one or two professional opportunities — you have dozens! Business analytics degree grads can pursue positions and job titles such as:

  • 人力资源分析专员
  • 数据专家
  • 系统专家
  • 业务分析师
  • 数据架构师
  • 业务拓展经理
  • 统计学家
  • 商业智能专家
  • 预测分析
  • 首席数据官
  • 和更多的!

Post-Grad Opportunities for Business Analytics

Thanks to the strength of our alumni network and the quality of our program, 许多商业分析专业的学生在毕业后可以直接进入就业市场. By completing internships during your time at 俄亥俄州, 很有可能在最后一节课结束之前,你就已经认识你未来的雇主了! Previous students have secured jobs at organizations like Huntington Bank, transimpact和newbb电子平台!

But you can also stick around and further your mastery of business analytics. 我们的 在线商业分析硕士 is perfect for continuing students or working professionals, 它可以在20个月内完成. If you know you want to commit to grad school early, you can apply to an accelerated-pace program and save your seat for the master's as an 大学肄业生.


在我们的2022届商业分析毕业生中,97%的人在毕业后的六个月内获得了就业或继续教育等积极成果. Many students have even accepted offers during their senior year.

我们的 商业学术咨询 & 职业服务 中心在科普兰大厅现场, ready to help you understand how to use good career marketing strategies, 从大一开始. We’re ready to help you find the perfect internship or job. 除了招聘会, 和大学就业冠军, 你可以访问握手, a web-based system where employers post positions, 查看简历并与候选人联系. +, 参加研讨会, 研讨会, 甚至还有一对一的指导,以确保你以正确的方式展示自己,实现你的职业目标.

Get 实践经验 With Your Business Analytics Degree

Since we know that hands-on experience is the best way to learn, 我们鼓励学生在课堂之外参加各种各样的活动.

  • 完成商业分析实习

    你必须有一段实习经历(很多学生在大二的时候就抓住了这个机会)。. 我们的专业教师将帮助您找到完美的地方来展示您的才能-记住, 实习通常是一种敲门砖,可以在毕业前开始你的职业生涯.

  • 完成科普兰核心

    作为一名学生 newbb电子平台商学院,您需要完成 科普兰核心课程. 这些课程为你的实习做准备,并帮助你在领导能力和时间管理等关键领域锻炼技能.

  • 出国留学,有国际经验

    Business analytics majors can apply for a variety of 有国际或海外留学经历, like a student exchange program (one or two semesters long) for the 全球咨询计划. 拥有独家的商业经验, you’ll solve the complex business challenges facing international organizations.

  • Join Information Systems and Analytics Professionals

    考虑加入 Information Systems and Analytics Professionals (ISAP)这是一个由管理信息系统和商业分析专业学生经营的组织. 在ISAP, 你将与业内专业人士建立联系, 了解技术趋势 and gain insights about skills sought out by employers.

  • 考虑加入学生组织

    Business analytics majors can optionally join one of the many 学生组织 可用. 例如, 俄亥俄州体育分析小组 is a great way to get hands-on practice with statistical data and information systems.


Information Systems and Analytics Professionals

ISAP是一个学生组织,面向newbb电子平台商学院的管理信息系统和商业分析专业. We host weekly meetings where members network with industry professionals, 了解技术趋势, and gain insights about the skills sought by employers.

ISAP网站, 电子邮件顾问: 维克马特


黑人学生商业核心小组 was established in 1988. 其目的是向学生介绍卓越和多样性的问题,以及在企业舞台上生存所必需的技术.


这个专业的商业兄弟会旨在促进商业研究和鼓励专业精神, scholarship and social activity among members. Prospective members must be a second-quarter freshmen or an upperclassman with at least five quarters remaining; hold an accumulative G.P.A. 至少2个.5; and attend rush (fall semester).


俄亥俄体育分析团队是一个面向本科生的机构,专注于分析领域的研究发展, providing hands on experience with statistical data and information systems, and preparing members for life in the industry. 


俄亥俄州商界女性 (OWIB) provides outstanding support, 发展, and sense of community to women interested in pursuing careers in business. For more information on how to get involved, contact Liz Doyle at ed962710@俄亥俄州.edu.

为什么 选择商业分析学位?


Make no mistake — the business analytics field will only grow in the future. 企业, 政府和各种其他组织需要训练有素的业务分析师来了解从全球各地收集的大量数据. 现在通过学习这个专业, 你将为未来几十年的成功和职业繁荣做好准备——更不用说无论你在哪里工作都能获得丰厚的薪水! 

Other business majors study business analytics so they can learn more about people, 经济学或其他相互关联的系统. 真相在于数据, newbb电子平台的商业分析学位课程为你提供了分析数据并为自己和雇主得出结论所需的工具和专业知识. It’s an excellent program for knowledge-seekers above all.

Student Support 资源 for Business Analytics Majors

newbb电子平台的全体教员共同致力于帮助每一个学生取得成功, including the professors of our BBA in business analytics program. 你在俄亥俄的时候, you’ll get personal and professional support from these experienced mentors, who will help you master the skills you need to thrive in your new profession.

需要帮助获得面试或实习机会? Want to know what to say or what business lingo might impress a future boss? Or do you just need to know where to target your studies? 我们的教职员工——其中许多是第一代教授——可以协助所有这些事情,甚至更多.


The 俄亥俄州 Experience for Business Analytics Majors

课堂教学至关重要, 但是,为学生提供他们在自己选择的职业中茁壮成长所需的现实生活工具和能力也是如此. 俄亥俄州的商业分析课程为您提供了充分的机会,将您的新技能付诸实践. 你将开始练习这些技巧, 从一开始就掌握数据分析行业的方法和软件工具,并比您想象的更快成为大师.

Because the business analytics program requires you to co-major, 它为你提供了一个机会,使你的教育专业化,或根据你的兴趣设计你的学位课程. 这意味着你个人的自由, plus a meaningful way to distinguish yourself from other soon-to-be grads.

例如, 也许你会选修管理信息系统的专业,从而在商业领域加倍学习战略技能和技术知识. 然而,许多学生也选择了市场营销、商业经济学、创业等专业. 每一个专业选择都是一种不同的方式来定义自己,并获得有价值的技能,这些技能将非常适合你未来的职业生涯.


